Cities for Change: fruits of collaboration

Cities for Change, first and foremost, is a collaborative process of active citizens, social movements, activist groups working together for a just, sustainable and caring city. The conference is just one step of the way towards regenerative economies, feminist politics and a caring future.

We’ve just begun, but these past weeks already produced some amazing highlights and tangible results. A selection you can check out now:

1. Online expo: Digital Courage

In this online expo using Mural you’ll learn about platform economics, Uber Eats and how we can change an exploitative system. Co-curated by LSE researcher Sanne Stevens and Commons Network, with input from SOMO, Jathan Sadowski and University of Amsterdam’s Platform Labour.

2. How-to-guide: ‘Seeding & Nourishing a P2P Solidarity Network 

This publication is made by Toby Jones, from the emergent Solidariteitsnetwerk Buurttuinen Amsterdam, with support and encouragement from ASEED Europe, Commons Network, Eetbaar Amsterdam, Food Council MRA, Fonds voor Nieuw West and the municipality of Amsterdam.


Besides the fruits that derive directly from Cities for Change collabs, there a few other ‘products’ worth mentioning that inspired the conference’s meetings and online gatherings.

3. Essay: ‘Social Real Estate: Indispensable and Inaccessible. Ideas for Change’

Commissioned by Landelijk Samenwerkingsverband Actieve Bewoners (LSA), Arie Lengkeek and Maurice Specht wrote an essay in favor of a revaluation of social real estate beyond the logic of the market. Real estate is indispensable for many residents’ initiatives, but also increasingly inaccessible.

4. Video: ‘We Take Matters Into Our Own Hands’

(XR) is a grassroots climate justice movement. Through the use of civil disobedience XR moves the needle in the public debate on the climate and ecological crisis. XR is a staunch advocate of democratic renewal in the form of citizen councils and, at Cities for Change, co-organized a recorded session on Radical Democracy.

Stay tuned for more progressive city action!