What does food have to do with urban commons? Can food practices change the world?
This post is written by our friends at the Amsterdam Network for Food Planning (ANFP)
If the infamous slang ‘You are what you eat’ has a point, then thinking and acting carefully about what we eat, where food comes from, and how it is made, can offer an entry point to reflect upon change.
Food systems and urban commons share challenges such as contested space in the city, climate change, and active citizenship. Applying urban commoning to food system change has the potential to transform communities and built environments in cities.
Altogether, we view urban commoning as a pathway towards transforming our food systems and use these insights, to spur discussions about Amsterdam’s food system.
On the 22nd of June, the Food and commons team invites you to hop on the bike with us. We will visit four food initiatives in the West of Amsterdam: I can change the world with my two hands, Stadsboerderij Osdorp, Fruittuin van West, and Cascoland.
In the vibe of lively summer gardens and tasty food, let’s talk about what commons and food mean to you.
Practical information:
Date: June 22nd
Time: 12:30
Departure point: Westerpark, Westergasbrug, Haarlemmerweg 10, 1014 BE Amsterdam. Bring your bike! The tour will be around 4 hours. With a free coffee break at Fruittuin van West and waste tasting at Cascoland.