Sophie is a political economist and co-founder and director of Commons Network. She has been active in civil society for over 15 years, working from a feminist perspective on ideas, proposals and projects for a post-growth economy.

Florine is a community organiser and group facilitator, with a focus on the community economy. She has been coordinating and developing different public programs and neighbourhood initiatives creating inclusive spaces for collective reflection, mutual learning and active citizenship.

Diane has conducted research on community currencies and has been involved in various forms of activist organising. She is interested in degrowth, monetary transformation and post-capitalist finance.

Vera has conducted research on worker cooperatives within current institutional and economic contexts and is engaged in alternative economic organizing. She is always open to discussing her research or exploring related ideas!

Alba is a community organiser, designer, and communications coordinator. She also conducts research which explores the intersections between political economy, decoloniality, and postgrowth.