Who we are

Sophie BloemenSophie BloemenDirector

Sophie is a political economist and co-founder and director of Commons Network. She has been active in civil society for over 15 years, working from a feminist perspective on ideas, proposals and projects for a post-growth economy.

Florine Zegers Florine Zegers Head of Operations and Community Economy

Florine is a community organiser and group facilitator, with a focus on the community economy. She has been coordinating and developing different public programs and neighbourhood initiatives creating inclusive spaces for collective reflection, mutual learning and active citizenship.

Diane GolenvauxDiane GolenvauxProject officer on Degrowth and Local Currencies

Diane has conducted research on community currencies and has been involved in various forms of activist organising. She is interested in degrowth, monetary transformation and post-capitalist finance.

Vera BreugemVera BreugemProject officer Community Wealth Building

Vera has conducted research on worker cooperatives within current institutional and economic contexts and is engaged in alternative economic organizing. She is always open to discussing her research or exploring related ideas!

Alba Garcia TombasAlba Garcia TombasCommunications Coordinator

Alba is a community organiser, designer, and communications coordinator. She also conducts research which explores the intersections between political economy, decoloniality, and postgrowth.

Stewards and collaborators

Francesca BriaFrancesca BriaAdvisor on Digital Public Infrastructure

Francesca is an innovation economist and digital policy expert. At Commons Network, Francesca will be advising our work on Digital Commons and Digital Public Infrastructures.

Wouter TebbensWouter TebbensAdvisor on Digital Commons, Digital Sovereignty and Digital Public Infrastructures

Wouter Tebbens is an engineer turned activist, working on digital democratisation, self-organisation and cooperative community building.

Dwayne AnsahDwayne AnsahData Commons Fellow

Dwayne is a researcher at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. He is currently working on his PhD project, exploring data donation in the European Union.

Thomas de GrootThomas de GrootCollaborator on Community Wealth Building

Thomas is an activist, writer and policy advisor. Thomas has an academic background in China Studies and he worked in journalism, advertising and politics.

Winne van WoerdenWinne van WoerdenCollaborator on Degrowth and Caring Economy

Winne focuses on climate justice, global health and new economic thinking

Mai Ishikawa SuttonMai Ishikawa SuttonCollaborator on Digital Commons

Mai Ishikawa Sutton (they/them) is an organiser, facilitator and writer focused on the digital commons and other intersections between network technologies and the solidarity economy.

Jens KimmelJens KimmelCollaborator on Storytelling

Jens has worked on the urban commons and democracy for years. He is part of the Collective Goed Verhaal and writes for several Dutch newspaper and weeklies.

Supervisory board

Wouter de IonghWouter de Iongh

Wouter is the co-founder of ODS, a Brussels based cooperative supporting non-profit initiatives worldwide by developing their organisations, strategies and learning practices.

Godelieve van HeterenGodelieve van HeterenChairperson of the Board

Godelieve is a global health and social transition advocate. She also chairs the Dutch European Movement.