Local economies and communities
An abstract red door

Tech platforms active in delivery, retail and mobility services bring convenience for consumers, but disrupt small economies and erode neighborhoods where services were previously provided at a local level.

Delivery apps create dark stores and dark kitchens in cities, often located in the middle of active neighborhoods, and function as distribution centers and spaces to cook for delivery only. Local groceries cannot compete with the high rent prices that billion-dollar investor-powered companies pay. The disappearance of local stores and distribution centers in city centers negatively impacts public space and social cohesion. The delivery also increases traffic, riders are vulnerable, and cause many accidents due to time pressure created by delivery incentives.

Here we share some stories – mostly by local newspapers – on the impact these developments are having on people’s lives.


Rise of the dark kitchen

During the COVID pandemic local stores work together to create alternative online shopping experiences for neighborhood

E-scooters in Polish city become problem blocking sidewalks after being abandoned

Amsterdam residents document the nuisance of dark stores on Instagram

Amsterdam residents begin petitioning against the growing number of delivery companies occupying their neighbourhood

MeentCoop Op Weg!

Platform Coops, who is involved?

Aik van Eemeren: “Don’t call it alternative, call it normal”

Digital transition in a postgrowth world 

Platform Capitalism and the Case for Platform Cooperativism