Postgrowth Pan-European Network

What’s the project about?

Commons Network aims to establish a Pan-European network for knowledge exchange and strategy building on post-growth with Members of national Parliaments and Trade Union representatives. Apart from discussing strategies and policy proposals related to the Post-Growth agenda, we are fostering greater collaborations between MPs and trade unionsas well as integrating efforts at national and European levels. 

Our objectives are to establish a network of MPs dedicated to advancing the beyond growth agenda, facilitate their collaboration with trade unions, and propose concrete actions to push this agenda forward. There will be a close collaboration with civil society partners such as Oxfam Novib, the Green European Foundation and Philippe Lamberts’ team.


Commons Network has organised two roundtables to advance the Post-growth agenda.

  • The first roundtable in May 2023 used the momentum of the Beyond Growth Conference in the European Parliament to discuss post-growth policymaking at the level of EU Member States. We brought together nine national MPs and three trade union representatives; leading researcher Tim Jackson opened the discussion on national policies and strategies.  
  • The second rountable organized in December 2023 was centred on the topic of welfare beyond growth and eco-social policies. We brought together eleven national MPs and five trade union representatives, with specific interventions from Benjamin Denis from IndustriAll, Aileen McLeod from WEAll and two MPs, Severine de Laveleye and Suzanne Kröger.

Project lead: Diane Golenvaux

Run time: May 2023 – Present 

Other resources:

Our work on the Dutch national context: Interparliamentary workgroup for post-growth

The article series Responding to Degrowth Critics

Our publication living well on a finite planet: building a caring world beyond growth

Main take-aways from the second roundtable Building a Post-growth Pan-european network

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