
Take Back the City! Skill sharing in Berlin

Last year, Commons Network became a coordinating partner of the European Municipalist Network (EMN). In a series of blogs, our new […] October 17, 2022

Commons Network partners with EMN to explore practices of care and municipalism

Last year, Commons Network became a coordinating partner of the European Municipalist Network (EMN). In a series of blogs, our […] September 20, 2022

New colleague: Carolyn

Hello visitor! My name is Carolyn, and I am happily writing an introduction post as a new member of the […] September 19, 2022

New collaegue: Bea

Hi there! My name is Bea, I am a queer 22-year-old Philosophy, Politics, and Economics student from the Canary Islands […] September 12, 2022

Launching the Incubator for the Community Economy

Today’s major societal challenges requires us to unite and connect. Sustainability, social inequality, diversity and digitalization require self-organization and a […] September 9, 2022

Finale Common In – 25 juni: The Art of the Frontline

Come to the spectacular closing party of Common In! Register here What is the role of art for systemic change? […] June 1, 2022

We need growth because otherwise our economies will collapse, and other myths

Time to dismantle the growth narrative. In this article series, lead author of our degrowth book Living Well on a […]

Happening 11 mei: Stop de Groei!

Het is alweer tijd voor de derde en laatste aflevering van onze serie happenings bij De Nieuwe Anita in Amsterdam. […]

Share your story about digital transformation

We’d like to ask you: How does the digital transformation affect your life? For our project Human Stories of Digital […]

Happening op 30 maart: Weg met Werk!

2 maart trapten we af met een serie happenings bij De Nieuwe Anita, als onderdeel van ons kunstproject Common In. […]

Digital Public Space and Interoperability: New report and live event

Commons Network and Open Future published a new research report about interoperability, in which we demonstrate why we need generative […]

We can decouple economic growth from ecological impact, and other myths

Time to dismantle the growth narrative. In the upcoming weeks, lead author of our degrowth book Living Well on a […]

Gedeelde Grond: een collectieve happening met onder andere Willem Schinkel

Op woensdag 2 maart organiseren wij Gedeelde Grond, een collectieve happening in De Nieuwe Anita, met onder andere professor Willem […]

Launching our new series: Responding to Degrowth Critics

‘We need growth to eradicate extreme poverty.’ ‘We need growth to fund the welfare state and an energy transition’. ‘We […]

Can Food Commons Change The World?

What does food have to do with urban commons? Can food practices change the world? This post is written by […] May 31, 2022

Jan-Hendrik Passoth: “If you want to give people a seat, you need a table first”

The Internet is busted. Huge corporations are calling the shots, extractive business models prevail. And safe and privacy-friendly online spaces […] May 30, 2022

Community Wealth Building: Toolkit + essay + video

Deze week publiceert Stichting Commons Network twee boekjes over Community Wealth Building: een gids voor iedereen die zelf aan de […]

Will you swarm the city with us?

This Saturday we organize Swarming the City, an outdoor experimental walk prefiguring alternative ways to come together in public space. […]

Aik van Eemeren: “Don’t call it alternative, call it normal”

The Internet is busted. Huge corporations are calling the shots, extractive business models prevail. And safe and privacy-friendly online spaces […]

Digital Courage: How Communities can Benefit

Datafication, algorithms and AI are shaping how we live, reside, and work – and profoundly affect power relations in the […] January 19, 2022

Jaromil: ‘Interoperability gives the potential of freedom’

The Internet is busted. Huge corporations are calling the shots, extractive business models prevail. And safe and privacy-friendly online spaces […] December 7, 2021

Launch of our new book: Living Well on a Finite Planet – Building a Caring World Beyond Growth

Today, Commons Network is proud to publish Living Well on a Finite Planet: Building a Caring World Beyond Growth. This […] November 19, 2021

Remembering Silke Helfrich

The calm restlessness of this tireless advocate of the common, of free, fair and lively togetherness, this great visionary, she […] November 17, 2021

Manifesto for a Caring Economy

Today, Commons Network publishes the Manifesto for a Caring Economy. It is a plea for caring as an antidote to […] November 10, 2021

natacha roussel: “Interoperable to whose benefit?”

The Internet is busted. Huge corporations are calling the shots, extractive business models prevail. And safe and privacy-friendly online spaces […] November 6, 2021

Common In is officially open!

Common In is officially open. Last Wednesday we kicked off at Sexyland, where the manifestation’s journey started. Common In’s art […] October 25, 2021

Mai Sutton: “If you want an interoperable Internet, start with how organizations work”

The Internet is busted. Huge corporations are calling the shots, extractive business models prevail. And safe and privacy-friendly online spaces […] October 21, 2021

Aik van Eemeren: “Don’t call it alternative, call it normal”

The Internet is busted. Huge corporations are calling the shots, extractive business models prevail. And safe and privacy-friendly online spaces […] October 10, 2021

Launching Common In: about commons and art

What does commoning feel like? How can we make the story of the commons a livable experience instead of a […] October 4, 2021

Deep Dives with experts on Interoperable Digital Ecosystems

The Internet is busted. Huge corporations are calling the shots, extractive business models prevail. And safe and privacy-friendly online spaces […] September 27, 2021

Public Horizons: transforming the public sector

How could the public sector transform in such a way that it has a better chance of addressing current social, […] August 2, 2021

The cooperative economy as a manifestation of a new ethics of care

In search of the Amsterdam caring economy: Why is the practice of caring the backbone of the city of the future? [VIDEO] June 17, 2021

Towards Online Public-Civic Spaces

How do we create public-civic spaces online? What role can ‘interoperability’ play? How could we transform the internet into something […] June 7, 2021

A good life for all beyond growth: Fruitful post-growth discussions at the Cities For Change Forum

Can we transition to a post-growth economy, that can deliver a high quality of life in the city of Amsterdam? June 6, 2021

New Publication: How Can Amsterdam Municipalism Endure?

For Amsterdam’s municipalism to strengthen and endure, it must be rooted in collective political knowledges and practices in neighborhoods, according to this new report by Imogen Hamilton-Jones and Thomas de Groot, commissioned by Minim and Commons Network June 3, 2021

Proposals for ‘desmoothening’ the city

—– [SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH] —– *Dit is een samenvatting van het Smooth City event tijdens de Cities for Change […] June 1, 2021

Cities for Change: fruits of collaboration

Cities for Change, first and foremost, is a collaborative process of active citizens, social movements, activist groups working together for […] May 22, 2021

Visit the online expo Digital Courage: Uber Eats

Commons Network is co-organizing the Cities for Change conference, which is going on as we speak and last until 30 […] May 19, 2021

The Smooth City, And How To Turn The Tide

[ S C R O L L D O W N F O R E N G L I S […] May 17, 2021

Exploring the Caring Economy in Amsterdam

Exploring the caring economy in Amsterdam: Billions of hours in unpaid care work keep the economy going, but are not integrated into our current economic model. Even though care is a fundamental need that helps to connect people and ensure reciprocity. May 13, 2021

What is commoning and why is it so important?

What links degrowth, healthcare and commons? The act of caring and commoning. Introducing: the Triad of Commoning. April 5, 2021

Join Cities for Change 2021!

This Friday 26 March we are kicking off the Cities for Change Forum, through which organizers, activists and artists, together […] March 22, 2021

Grote en Kleine Vragen over ons Onderzoek naar Bestaanszekerheid

Hier beantwoorden we de vragen die werden gesteld tijdens webinar over ons nieuwe rapport over de toekomst van de bestaanszekerheid, over onze aanpak, over de rol van gemeenten en nog veel meer. March 17, 2021

Fearless in Amsterdam: housing is about homes, not investment

Amsterdam is part of the global municipalist Fearless Cities Network. Commons Network collaborates with activist groups in the dotank The […]

Degrowth and Health: Caring as an Ethic of Non-Exploitation

Degrowth and health: What would it mean for the healthcare sector to abandon the quest for GDP growth and follow a degrowth vision instead? March 7, 2021

Geen visie in debat over medicijnen? Op naar een revolverend fonds!

Het had een inspiratievolle avond kunnen worden waar de contouren van de transformatie van het systeem werden geschetst. Maar in het debat van vorige week kwamen vooral probleemanalyses en argumenten voorbij die we al kennen. March 5, 2021

Nieuwe publicatie: commons en de toekomst van de bestaanszekerheid

Vandaag lanceren Stichting Commons Network en SVB-innovatielab Novum het rapport Leren van de Toekomst: Commons en Bestaanszekerheid in Theorie en Praktijk. March 2, 2021

Caring and Solidarity: Come to the launch of our new report

You are invited to join the launch of the new report 'Leren van de Toekomst: Commons en Bestaanszekerheid in Theorie en Praktijk' February 25, 2021

Dutch Elections Live: the Access to Medicines Debate

Next Thursday, on the 25th of February, candidates of five political parties will participate in a debate about access to medicines. February 17, 2021

Degrowth: Building a New Discourse of Health and Care

Degrowth: Building a New Discourse of Health and Care, Part 1 February 13, 2021